Thursday, July 24, 2008


I was reading The Jakarta Post today and saw the headline "Children feel 'hurt' on their national day". This got my attention big time especially because yesterday was the National Children's Day. I was also largely interested because I imagined that the 'hurt' was abstract and was only a catch phrase to draw readers (suggested by the apostrophe sign on 'hurt'). But to my surprise as I read the article, it was a true and real hurt even if it is not manifested physically.

I never would imagine that, a minister would ask or ordered such a thing in this day and era. How could a man who claims to be an executive for the people turn down a righteous appeal and declaration? A declaration that is neither subversive and/or offensive. The declaration that was censored was "a declaration to strive and call for the need of a special ministry for children's affairs that responds to children's needs". I was utterly disappointed especially when I saw that the Minister of Social Services, Mr. Bachtiar Chamsyah, defended the restriction and censor. How could someone heads a ministry of Social Services not possess a Social Awareness of how hurtful this action was.

Although, he made an excuse that he had explained that the country's current condition warranted the government's inability to setup such a ministry, it was not his right to stop someone or a group of people to declare their efforts and aspirations. And just so you know, the declaration never mentioned any deadline to when this ministry should be established.

I was appalled, mainly because it was emblematic of the problems that children are facing through out Indonesia in being cast out, bullied and dismissed by adults or by people with power. It was even more shocking that it happened on the back of another story on child abuse (see article : Govt action needed on child abuse) on the same newspaper.

I asked myself, what kinds of reasons other than the 'excuse' that Mr. Chamsyah had given would merit such a censorship? The only reasons that I could think of right now as I'm writing this is that Those Children was not considered as constituents. Maybe because they aren't old enough to vote yet or they are being dismissed as not being "experienced" enough to handle such freedom of speech.

Well I say, all the more reason to have the ministry, because they are future constituents and being 'inexperience' they should have more guidance not less, they should be given more protection rather than more restriction especially if it is a positive declaration and most of all they should be given better examples of how freedom of speech is welcomed and protected.

Mr. Bachtiar Chamsyah should lead by example, he should have protected the right of the children to declare their aspirations and initatives.

This whole thing reminded me of an episode from one of my favorite TV series from the United States called "The West Wing" in which the story was the Chief of Staff's Deputy of Communication for the White house was entertaining a group young kids that wanted their issues heard and especially about their aspiration of a lower age to vote so that they could be immediate constituents and their rights be fully protected. I suggest that Mr. Bachtiar Chamsyah watch this episode, in fact I suggest that the whole cabinet to try to find the time to watch this TV Series, although this Series is Fiction the issues involved however are not plus the backdrop of how a real and idealistic democracy was injected in this Series hence they would only stand to gain by watching it.

I do hope that in the near future, the government would readily listen to the whole of the children's aspiration and declaration

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